A Cookiers’ Guide to Using Metric When Designing Cookie Cutters

The 3D printing world is fully entrenched in the metric system. If the metric system is unfamiliar to you then this is the resource you need!

When you are designing cookie cutters for 3D printing, you will save yourself trouble later by working in metric. The greatest benefit you will discover is a reduced risk of scaling issues when it comes to printing your cookie cutter. After designing and 3D printing a few cookie cutters, you may even find that the metric system starts to make sense.

This downloadable PDF contains a chart with my personal recommendations for each extrusion you will need to make when designing your cookie cutter. The best part of all is that this information is helpful no matter what modeling program you use! Find the modeling program that works well for you. I recommend Autodesk Fusion (they have a free license for hobbyists), but TinkerCAD and SketchUp are also excellent options.


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